5 Signs It’s Time To Replace Your Heater
- William Demirdonder
- Nov 26, 2021
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- 15-minute read

Your high quality hot water heater unit will usually last 10 years or more, but here are some tips from Proximity Plumbing on how to know when to replace it.
Most quality hot water units will usually last 10 years or more. However, if your system is approaching or past this age and you are experiencing some issues, it may be worth considering replacing it.
The need to replace your hot water unit may be made premature if your household has outgrown your hot water unit and is causing it to work overtime to keep up with your household hot water demand.
For instance, if you have multiple bathrooms, dishwashers and washing machines! All these fantastic things can accidentally take their toll on ageing or too small water unit
Corrosion or rust inside a water unit can be identified through brown, red or rusty water coming out of taps.
Get a plumber to check out the source of water discolouration as it may also be caused by a build up of sediment in the tank (which can also lead to tank corrosion or system overheating)
Sediment can be blamed for noisy hot water heaters – it’s a bloody nuisance! Accumulating sediment at the bottom of your tank can contribute to noises, which are caused by bubbles escaping from beneath the sediment, making a popping, banging or cracking sound.
You’ll be pleased to hear that sediment build up can be easily drained from the tank, therefore meaning it is important to address these noises as soon as they occur, to prevent long term damage and corrosion.
A leaking hot water unit can become a substantial problem very quickly.
Damage can be caused to the unit itself, but if the hot water unit is located inside your property, it has the potential to cause damage to walls, floors and other surrounding elements.
Leaks commonly occur from the inlet or outlet connections, at the pressure relief valve or from the tank itself.
If left unrepaired, leaks can quickly lead to mold or mildew growth, potentially causing health problems for those living in the property.
If you have had to call for help several times in the past year regarding your hot water unit, it would be well worth considering upgrading to a new system.
Upgrading can be a great chance to replace your existing hot water unit with a more energy-efficient unit, potentially saving hundreds on future power bills.
Don’t wait for your hot water unit to shut down all together. Trust us – if past experiences are anything to go by, it will decide to shut down at the most inconvenient of times.
Winter will be on our doorstep before we know it, so we recommend you start taking notice of your hot water unit’s behaviour.
In most plumbing emergencies, the tell-tale signs of a problem brewing can be seen in the months and weeks leading up to the moment of “oh S*&$ we need a plumber”! With your hot water system, there are 6 warning signs to indicate it may be time to replace it.
When ignored, these six signs can lead to more than just no hot water – so pay attention!
When your hot water system ages, strange popping sounds, and loud clanging are common. This is a result of bubbles escaping from the sediment trapped at the bottom of the system which over time, builds up.
If you are regularly flushing your hot water system and cleaning the sediment you will be giving your hot water system the best chance of a longer life span.
If you see brown, muddy, red or rusty colored water coming out of your taps then your hot water system may be fighting internal rust or a build-up of sediment.
Similarly, if the water has a metallic smell or taste and you can see particles in the water – there is an issue with the system and it’s time to get that beautiful, clear, clean water back!
Like all leaks – when a leak in your hot water system is left alone it can create bigger issues and even a plumbing emergency. If the system is inside your property it can cause damage to the walls, floors and surrounding areas.
So inspect the unit, if your hot water system is leaking or water is pooling at the base of the system, time to call a licensed plumber ASAP.
If you’ve just fixed a leak and now there’s another; if you’ve just cleaned the tank and now you’re hearing strange noises – it may be your system begging you to replace it!
By upgrading your system you can change to a more energy-efficient system and save some money on your next water and energy bill. Read here for more information on how to save money on water.
If your hot water is coming out lukewarm (or icy cold) your system could have a broken heating element, or the thermostat needs readjusting.
It could also be your system is now too small for your family’s hot water needs and you should upgrade to a bigger system.
Either way, a plumber will be able to determine why those nice hot showers have disappeared.
Whilst not a ‘sign’ the fact your hot water system is aging can be a reason to replace it. Hot water systems carry the burden of a lot of hard work in your home’s plumbing system, proving hot water to baths, showers, taps, dishwashers, washing machines…all this hard work means they don’t last forever!
Most quality systems will last 8 – 10 years.
The good news is that a new system will be more energy-efficient and save you money on your next water and energy bill (plus you can rest easy knowing your new system will provide you and your family with fresh, HOT water for years to come.
At Proximity Plumbing, we can inspect your hot water system for you and determine whether it needs some minor repairs or a full replacement. So, call us on 0420 102 394 for a free quote. Plus, we guarantee to be on-site within the eastern suburbs in 30 minutes!
For more information on hot water systems, check out our articles on Is your hot water heater ready for Winter? And Gas vs Electric hot water heaters.
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