5 Reasons To Call A Plumber

  • William Demirdonder
  • Aug 26, 2021
  • No comments
  • 15-minute read
5 Reasons To Call A Plumber

Wondering whether your plumbing issue is reason to call a plumber? Here are five reasons to call a plumber!

You have a niggling plumbing problem but don’t know whether it’s serious enough to warrant a call out from your local plumber, you may be surprised to know that most plumbing emergencies are preventable if they’re dealt with early. You may even have a plumbing emergency on your hands right now and not know it!

By looking out for warning signs your plumbing system is on the fritz and calling a plumber near you to take a look – you can save valuable time and money and forgo the plumbing emergency. So, if you find yourself with any of the following plumbing issues, it’s time to call the pros!


Five Reasons To Call A Plumber – Fast!

You smell sewage or see a sewage leak.

A ‘smelly’ toilet pipe or downpipe with a distinctive stench points to a major sewer line issue. The sewer line carries all the wastewater from your toilets, sinks, showers, tubs, and washing machines away from the house. So, if the sewer line is broken somewhere it must be found and replaced immediately to prevent damage to your property.

You have no water.

If the water suddenly stops flowing or the water pressure drops to non-existent – call a plumber immediately. It’s unusual for water to stop running all together so you can check both the hot and cold water taps around the house to see if the issue is localised to one area. If they’re all not running, you may have a serious burst pipe which is stopping water being delivered to your property and you need a professional plumber on hand ASAP.

You have no hot water.

Hot water heaters come with a myriad of issues and it’s best to leave the fixing of hot water heaters to a licensed plumber. Smelling gas around the heater; a leak in the pipes to or from the heater; strange noises coming from the heater – all point to the system needing an expert on hand. Read more about when it’s  time to replace your hot water system here.

Use common sense with this one, if you’ve been filling up bathtubs of hot water all morning or consistently running a hot water washing machine give your system a chance to catch up. If there’s been no unusual hot water use and there’s no hot water running at all – call a plumber.

You have a consistent blocked drain or toilet.

If you’re keeping the plunger beside the toilet because you’re needing it so often –  there may be a bigger issue at play! Consistent blocked toilets and drains are a sign of an underlying, larger plumbing problem. The sooner you have a professional plumber take a look, the sooner you’ll be able to have it fixed (potentially avoid a disaster, emergency plumbing situation).

You have consistent leaks.

If you’re aware of a leak in your roof or ceiling or you have a random leak that’s popped up somewhere in the house please call a plumber ASAP. Usually by the time water has found its way through your home’s structure and is dripping on the floor you have a major issue on your hands. So put away the buckets and call a licensed plumber.

If you have a small leak coming from a dripping pipe, or the shower still leaks when turned off, you should get a plumber to take a look and make sure it’s not a bigger issue. When leaks are left alone, that’s when you can see the classic “a pipe has burst and I’m standing in 4 inches of water” scenario. Not common, but it can happen!

Why Hiring A Licensed Plumber Is Important?

Checklist before hiring one, etc…

What do you usually do when you are facing plumbing problems at home? With hundreds of DIY videos on the Internet, your first plan of action is probably to try to fix things yourself. After all, DIY plumbing seems like an efficient and cheaper alternative than hiring a licensed plumber. However, DIY jobs concerning plumbing works, whether they are as simple as bathroom leaks, broken kitchen pipes, or clogged toilets, can put you and your property at risk and even worsen the problem at hand.

This is why it is important that you hire competent licensed plumbers in Australia. Licensed plumbers have passed training and certifications, which ensures their expertise and knowledge in the field. Homeowners should choose to hire

Licensed plumbers prioritise safety

Plumbing work involves certain hazards and dangers. According to the DIY Safety Report, 60% of homeowners who do maintenance work at home do not use any protective gear, thus they are more exposed to different contaminants and biohazards.  Broken water heaters, sewer problems, and pipe issues are not only difficult to fix for the average homeowner but are also dangerous and risky. Licensed plumbers are knowledgeable about the protocols and safety precautions required when dealing with plumbing issues at home. They also have the proper tools and equipment to finish the job safely and efficiently.

Professional plumbers over do-it-yourself plumbing work for several reasons. Here are some of them.

Licensed plumbers prioritise safety

Plumbing work involves certain hazards and dangers. According to the DIY Safety Report, 60% of homeowners who do maintenance work at home do not use any protective gear, thus they are more exposed to different contaminants and biohazards.  Broken water heaters, sewer problems, and pipe issues are not only difficult to fix for the average homeowner but are also dangerous and risky. Licensed plumbers are knowledgeable about the protocols and safety precautions required when dealing with plumbing issues at home. They also have the proper tools and equipment to finish the job safely and efficiently

Guaranteed high-quality work

When homeowners undertake DIY plumbing, they might do a poor job at fixing the problem, especially if they lack the experience. On the other hand, licensed plumbing professionals are equipped with skills to do high-quality work with your plumbing. They are knowledgeable about the local building codes and standards and they always adhere to them. Licensed plumbers provide warranty for their work, which covers installation and repair of products.

You can save time and money in the long run

Homeowners who try to fix their own plumbing often make the mistake of underestimating the difficulty of the issue at hand. They usually spend more time fixing the problem than a professional as they lack the knowledge and skills. If they make a mistake and make the problem worse, it ends up being more costly. A licensed plumber will do a thorough inspection of your plumbing and accurately identify the root cause of the problem, which an inexperienced homeowner may have missed. They can also give you professionally prepared materials lists and cost estimates, so you would know exactly how much you have to spend, and on what. They can also do proper installation and repairs, which would prevent problems in the future. In the long run, hiring licensed plumbing contractors will help you save your money and your time.

Plumbing-related laws in Australia

Depending on which state you live in, the rules and regulations regarding plumbing may vary in the scope of what homeowners may or may not do at home. If you fail to follow the local state law, you may be legally penalised for it. In our own NSW, you need to have a license to undertake plumbing works, especially plumbing systems that could directly affect the health of the household, like sewer lines and drinking water supply. Make sure to consult your local council to know which licensed plumbers have passed the state’s standards.

Five Reasons To Call A Plumber

A regular Tuesday morning can turn into an emergency plumbing situation real fast if you encounter any of the five issues we’ve listed in this article. If you’re looking for  what to do in a plumbing emergency, click here for more information.

If you’re in the middle of a plumbing problem right now, please call our team on 0420 102 394. We guarantee to be on-site within the eastern suburbs in 30 minutes and will be able to help you immediately. We do not inflate prices for emergency plumbing situations and will be able to provide over-the-phone assistance until our plumbers arrive on site.

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