When to Call A Plumber for Assistance With Sewer Vent Pipes

  • William Demirdonder
  • Aug 19, 2024
  • No comments
  • 15-minute read
When to Call A Plumber for Assistance With Sewer Vent Pipes

Owning a home comes with its fair share of responsibilities, and one often overlooked but essential component is the sewer vent pipes. These pipes are crucial in maintaining a healthy plumbing system — they allow air to enter and gases to exit your plumbing. Understanding when to call a plumber for assistance with sewer or plumbing vent pipes can save you from potential headaches and costly repairs. In this blog, we’ll identify the signs that indicate it’s time to pick up the phone and call a professional plumber.

Sewer vent pipes: what you need to know about them

Sewer vent pipes are essential components of your plumbing system that expel sewer gases and regulate air pressure in the waste pipes. They connect to sewer vents and allow fresh air to enter the system, which helps waste flow smoothly and prevents blockages. By directing harmful gases outside and maintaining water in traps under sinks and toilets, sewer vent pipes prevent foul odours and gases from seeping back into your home, ensuring a safe and healthy living environment.

4 common issues with sewer vent pipes

Like any part of your home, sewer vent pipes can develop issues over time. Recognising these problems early can prevent more severe damage. Here are some common issues you might encounter:

  • Blockages — Over time, debris, leaves and even small animals can find their way into vent pipes, causing blockages. This can lead to a build-up of sewer gases and pressure imbalances in your plumbing system.
  • Leaks — Cracks or holes in sewer vent pipes can allow water and gases to escape, potentially leading to structural damage and unpleasant odours.
  • Corrosion — Older vent pipes, especially those made of metal, can corrode over time. This may lead to weakened sections that might collapse or develop leaks.
  • Improper installation — Sometimes, sewer vent pipes are not installed correctly, which can cause a range of issues from improper ventilation to complete system failure.


5 reasons to call a plumber to fix your sewer vent pipes

Identifying the signs that your sewer vent pipes need professional attention is crucial. Here are some indicators that it’s time to call a plumber:

1. You smell persistent bad odours

If you notice a constant sewer smell in your home, it’s a clear sign that something is wrong with your plumbing system. This odour could indicate a blockage or leak in the plumbing vent and its pipes that prevent gases from being properly vented outside.

2. You notice slow drains

When water drains slowly from sinks, tubs or toilets, it can be a sign of a blocked sewer vent pipe. The blockage causes air pressure to build up and obstruct the smooth flow of water and waste.

3. You hear gurgling sounds

Hearing gurgling noises when using plumbing fixtures? This red flag usually occurs when air cannot escape through the plumbing vent and instead makes its way back up through the water in your drains.

4. You experience frequent plumbing backups

If you experience regular backups in your plumbing, it could be due to a blockage in the sewer vent pipes. Without proper ventilation, pressure builds up in the waste pipes and leads to backups.

5. You get an unexplained increase in water bills

A sudden spike in your water bill without any increase in usage could indicate a leak in your sewer vent pipes. This leak might be allowing water to escape, which needs immediate attention.

DIY vs. professional help: Which one is for you?

While some homeowners might handle minor plumbing issues, sewer vent pipes need professional expertise due to safety concerns, system complexity and the need for specialised tools.

When you call a plumber for issues with your sewer vent pipes, they will conduct a comprehensive inspection of your plumbing system, often using cameras to locate blockages or leaks. Once identified, the plumber will employ specialised tools to clear any blockages and repair damages to restore your plumbing to optimal condition. Additionally, they can offer advice on maintaining your sewer vent pipes and suggest preventive measures to extend the life of your plumbing system and avoid future issues.

Call Proximity Plumbing to assess your sewer vent pipes

Don't wait for small plumbing issues to become costly headaches. At the first sign of trouble with your sewer vent pipes, reach out to Proximity Plumbing. Our expert team is ready to provide thorough inspections, efficient repairs and preventive maintenance to keep your plumbing system in top shape. Keep your home safe and your plumbing functions smooth by calling us today. Let Proximity Plumbing handle the hassle, so you don't have to deal with it yourself.

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