Vaccinated and Essential – Ready to handle your plumbing emergency.

  • William Demirdonder
  • Aug 20, 2021
  • No comments
  • 15-minute read
Vaccinated and Essential – Ready to handle your plumbing emergency.

Australia is reeling under the fallout of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. As NSW case numbers soar, we at Proximity Plumbing want to reassure our community that our team of licenced plumbers are vaccinated and ready to assist in any plumbing emergency you have during our state-wide lockdown.

How Is Proximity Plumbing Protecting You Right Now?

Proximity Plumbing strives to deliver round-the-clock support during these challenging times.

The professional team of emergency plumbers at Proximity Plumbers takes all necessary steps related to cleanliness and safety as per the guidelines laid forth by the Department of Health and the NSW Government. 

Notably, our team is vaccinated. We are taking every Covid-19 Safety precaution to ensure our customers and team are kept safe and well at all times.

Our Covid safety plan includes the following: 

-Our team are vaccinated against Covid-19 in order to protect themselves and you!

– None of our plumbers have travelled overseas or interstate in the last 14 days.

– Each one of our team members has completed an infection control training course provided to us by the Australian government.

– Our plumbers have been trained to respect your personal space. This means standing well back (more than 2 metres) when discussing the job in person. Upon request, we are also happy to conduct all discussions over the phone – even when on the premises.

– Each team member will be using a hand sanitiser before and after all our jobs.

– If you require any plumbing work completed during this time rest assured, we will continue offering the highest quality of customer service, Emergency callouts, and continuing our services to local Sydney businesses and residence.

– In addition to washing their hands, our plumbers wear a new pair of disposable plastic gloves on every job that they are required to work indoors.

– Our vehicles are now sanitised at least twice a week using a hospital-grade disinfectant.

– Our plumbers have been trained to recognise any signs of illness and must report to management immediately.

– As a part of the essential services during the pandemic, licensed Sydney plumbers are able to operate normally. Due to the increasing number of emergency requests that we receive, we have come up with an emergency hotline number to handle all possible requests as soon as possible. Our Covid safe emergency plumbing hotline on 0480 024 320 should you have any questions or need an emergency plumber.

Why Is Plumbing Considered An Essential Service? 

Plumbing is an essential service as it’s “essential” to maintain your home or business’s plumbing system at all times. You need to resolve any plumbing issues as soon as they arise to prevent damage and potential health hazards. Plumbers are seen like electricians, essential to keep the community safe and functioning, especially when so many of us are spending a lot of time at home.

You can read more here. 

As such our team at Proximity Plumbing is still able to attend your plumbing issue or plumbing emergency as long as we practice social distancing and continue to maintain the highest standards of safety and cleanliness possible to protect ourselves and our customers.

At present, there is no evidence that the virus survives in, or is likely to be transmitted via wastewater. The detection of the virus in wastewater reported to date has been of non-infective viral fragments. This means that the risk of infection to plumbers, drainers and wastewater industry workers is very low.

What is a Plumbing Emergency?

How do you know what is considered a plumbing emergency? One way to double-check, is pick up the phone and call our team. We’ll be able to tell you over the phone whether your plumbing issue is serious enough for immediate support.

Here is some information on what kind of issues are considered “Emergency Plumbing Issues”:

  • Blocked or running toilet
  • Blocked drain
  • Slow draining sink
  • Leaking pipes
  • Burst flexi hose
  • Clogged shower drain or bath drains
  • Dripping faucets
  • Blocked stormwater drain
  • Clogged garbage disposal
  • Faulty water heater
  • Sewer system backup
  • Low water pressure

If your home is currently experiencing any of these plumbing issues, please pick up the phone and call our team now!

Why It’s Important to “Choose Local” Now More Than Ever 

As Sydneysiders navigate our lockdown, it is more important than ever to choose a truly local business with local tradespeople for any repair or emergency. For these reasons we suggest only choosing a plumber that is centrally located to your specific LGA:

  • It ensures the people coming into your home are from the same LGA as you and will minimise any risk to your family
  • You will have a faster response time with a local tradesperson than someone coming from the other side of the city
  • You will be able to support a truly local, community-based business
  • Choosing a tradesperson from your LGA (and not a hot spot) is imperative to ensure essential services continue to be able to serve the community

How To Know Whether Your Supplier Is Truly Local

Firstly, do your research. Take a look at Google and see where the physical location of the business is. To list on Google a business must supply a physical address that is open for customers to view. You can check how far away a business is from your home and whether or not they are truly a local business.

For example, Proximity Plumbing is located in Point Piper. We serve our eastern suburbs local community area on a daily basis. You may have seen our team driving one of our Proximity Vans around town, or grabbed at a coffee at bondi with the boys in the early morning.


Secondly, ask the question. Phone the potential supplier and ask where they are located and where they are travelling from to attend to your emergency plumbing situation. If someone sounds evasive, keep asking until you feel you get a real answer (or listen to your gut and keep calling around).

At Proximity Plumbing we are an optimistic bunch, and we know with the positive vaccination numbers, we will all be out of lockdown soon enough. Until then, these safety measures will protect you and your family should you need any essential plumbing work carried out in your home.

Our vaccinated plumbers are available 24/7 to fix all emergency plumbing issues for your property so don’t delay calling us if you need us.


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