Plumbing Warning Signs You Should Never Ignore

  • William Demirdonder
  • May 18, 2022
  • No comments
  • 15-minute read
Plumbing Warning Signs You Should Never Ignore

There are warning signs for most appliances around the house starting to break down. When the TV randomly turns off, when the washing machine starts clanging around with every wash, when the toaster starts burning toast randomly – everything has a lifespan. Something as complex and complicated as your home’s plumbing system needs every little part to be working properly most of the time. If it’s not, it will send you warning signs. Here are some plumbing warning signs you should not ignore. Otherwise, you could be looking at hefty emergency call out fees and more grey hairs than you’d like.

Small Plumbing Warning Signs You Should Not Ignore

Common warning signs of a minor (or major) plumbing problem are:

A Leaky Toilet

The constant noise of running water in your toilet room or bathroom is a massive waste of water but could indicate a bigger problem. Get this sorted as soon as possible with a professional plumber.

Water Bill Spikes

A sudden rise or unusual rise in your water bill without significant changes in your water usage can indicate a leak somewhere, a burst pipe or a water appliance malfunction in your house. It is time to start analysing the cause of the underlying problem with a professional plumber carrying out an inspection.

Reduced Water Pressure

Not sure whether or not this is an urgent plumbing problem or just something to put up with? You need to investigate if the water pressure is weak in just a single location of your home or throughout your home. If only a single location, chances are it has an easy fix by repairing or replacing the faucet aerator.

If you experience low water pressure across different areas of your home accompanied by bubbling wall paint or dampness, it indicates a major problem requiring the assistance of an experienced plumber right away to locate the source of a potential leak.

Slow Drainage

Just like reduced water pressure, if you witness reduced water drainage in more than a single location within your property, it could be a concerning matter and indicate a potentially blocked or clogged drain.

Blocked Drain

You may not think that the kitchen sink drain that takes an hour to drain is a big deal, but trust us – it is. In fact, blocked drains are considered plumbing emergencies due to the fact that a blocked drain at the surface means so much more is happening in the pipes. Consistently blocked drains means that the debris is so built up within the pipe that water cannot drain and flow efficiently away from the property. Heavily blocked pipes are at risk of rupture and breaking – potentially meaning flooding and water damage. Consistently blocked drains could also indicate a major blockage, either from foreign matter (such as tree roots) a lodgement of an item that should never have been flushed down the drain or a fatberg, which is an accumulation of smaller material that also should not have been pushed down a drain that clumps together and forms a massive blockage. 

Sudden Mould In Unexpected Places

Say you open up your bedroom cupboard and all along the back wall is covered in mould. Strange, there is no water anywhere near the bedroom cupboard. Now – this could indicate that a pipe running behind the cupboard has broken and water is leaking out into the walls and creating mould growth in your cupboard. A professional plumber will need to carry out some leak detection and find the source of the issue.

Visible or Audible Plumbing Warning Signs You Should Not Ignore 

  • “Knocking” or clanging pipes
  • Visible leaks around hot water heater or other water appliances
  • Sink or drain that is incredibly slow to drain
  • Foul odours
  • Spluttering taps which do not resolve on their own
  • Discoloured water
  • Changes in the toilet flush
  • Discoloured patches or dampness on walls and roofs
  • Suddenly fertile patches in your garden and lawn
  • Soggy and muddy patches in your garden or lawn

How Do I Monitor My Home For Potential Issues?

Here are some ways to spot hidden plumbing warning signs:

Monitor the Water Meter

Make a note of the number or record on the water meter. Turn off all the faucets in your home. Also, turn off all the water-leveraging appliances on your property. Keep them turned off for a few hours. Go through the meter reading again. In case the reading has changed to any extent, your house might be experiencing water leaks somewhere.

Review the Monthly Water Usage

Look at household water usage – especially during the colder months of the year. As per a general guideline, the average Australian household pays $273 per quarter in water bills. If your home’s usage is significantly higher, you will pay for it next quarter. So it’s best to engage the help of a professional plumber asap if you feel your home’s water consumption is unusually high.

Checking Sewer Drain and Sewer Line Function

The sewer drain in your property is responsible for removing all waste and wastewater from your property. As a homeowner, it is your responsibility to keep it clear and functioning. You can always book in a professional plumber, like our team at Proximity Plumbing to inspect the workings of your sewer line and test its functionality, and discover any tree roots or blockages that are causing stress, breaks or cracks to your pipes. Read more about sewer lines here.

Watch Our for Other Signs

Take it upon yourself to visibly ‘check’ your home for potential plumbing issues each quarter. This includes getting on the roof and checking for roof leaks at the same time as clearing the gutters. Walking around your property, checking downpipes and stormwater drains as well as pit and pumps and other drainage areas. If you see something unusual, smell something unusual or have a general question you can always reach out to a licensed plumber in your area to carry out a thorough inspection.

The Importance of Routine Plumbing Maintenance

Ensuring you carry out regular plumbing maintenance on your property will hopefully see you skip an emergency plumbing situation and fork out unnecessary costs for an issue that could have been avoided or detected early.

Our Proximity Plumbing crew believes in preventative plumbing – and we practice this by helping our customers stay on top of their routine plumbing maintenance in the hope that any small issues will remain small issues, and any big issues can be anticipated and avoided.

Whilst carrying out checks around your property are essential, we do recommend have your plumbing system and property inspected regularly with the expert eyes of a professional plumber.

Some extra benefits of routine plumbing maintenance:

Reduced Costs: Regular plumbing maintenance program costs are negligible when compared with the repairs or replacements that could be needed when a large emergency occurs.

Prevention of Emergencies: Routine maintenance is crucial in preventing the likelihood of a major plumbing emergency within your property. The more we can see and predict, the more we can plan for and hopefully avoid. 

Your Insurance Provider Could Care: Some insurance providers will inspect the regularity at which you’ve had your plumbing system serviced, maintained and inspected by professionals. If a major problem has been caused by negligence or neglect you could be seeing an issue with any potential claim.

How Could A Lack Of Regular Plumbing Maintenance Affect Your Insurance?

While some plumbing repairs and emergencies are covered in your insurance plan, there are some issues that might not be granted full coverage if your provider determines that negligence or neglect has contributed to the issue.

If you stayed up to date with your preventative plumbing and have booked in professional plumbers for regular maintenance and inspection, you can expect maximum benefits for your insurance cover (in most instances). Please talk to your personal provider and review your policy in its entirety to learn the conditions of your cover.

Contact our team at Proximity Plumbing today and schedule a regular plumbing maintenance appointment. You can call our team now on 0420 102 394.

Here’s what you can expect from an appointment with our team:

  • A professional and courteous conversation with our team to schedule your appointment.
  • A text from your plumber on arrival at your property.
  • A complete inspection of your plumbing system and property for any potential issues.
  • A report at the end of the inspection with our findings, any suggestions or repair recommendations that are necessary.
  • A breakdown of any quotes that we supply.
  • Thorough COVID-19 safety measures.
  • Peace of mind!

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